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The sun, the moon and the stars


Digital illustration


Chinese New Year, which is also called Lunar New year, is the most important period of time for Chinese people, everyone in the family will gather together and celebrate the beginning of a new year of the solar Chinese calendar. Not only you will see people in Hong Kong sharing blessing and joy with family during the days, you will also find celebrations and activities in countries such as South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia or even the UK or the US.

Just like mistletoe in Christmas, pumpkin in Halloween, every festival has its own distinctive decoration. In Chinese New year, Chinese people will put Fai Chun ("揮春", the Chinese New Year Couplets) onto the walls with handwriting or drawings about the Chinese Zodiac, good fortune wishes or blessings. Fai Chun is always in red which is a colour representing good fortune and good sign in Chinese culture.

​For the series "The Sun, the Moon and the Stars", we tried to present to you a new Fai Chun style with different elements and features, including colours, materials, drawing style and so on. Below you will find the artworks and we have hidden some blessing inside!!


Time to make a guess!

The Sun


Hover to check the hidden blessing

  1. "貨如輪轉" (products turn like a wheel), means fast turnover and quick return

  2. "紫氣東來" (purple air comes from the east), means a propitious omen

  3. "吉星高照" (lucky star shines up high), means wishing you good luck

  4. "飛黃騰達" (nice horse flies high), means being successful in his/her career 

  5. "萬象更新" (everything is fresh again), means everything looks fresh and gay

  6. ​"祥龍獻瑞" (auspicious dragon celebrating the good luck), means a propitious omen

The Moon


Hover to check the hidden blessing

  1. "竹報平安" (bamboo reports peace), means a family letters reporting peace

  2. "春回大地" (spring back to the earth), means spring time came.

  3. "步步高陞" (step and step higher), means getting a steady promotion at work

  4. "福壽雙全" (having both luck and health), means wish you good luck and health 

  5. "前程似錦" (a glowing and glittering future), means a flourishing and bright future

  6. "大紅大紫" (massive of red and purple colour), means a great success, getting all the attentions

The Stars


Hover to check the hidden blessing

  1. "年年有餘" (surplus everything year), means wishing someone has more than enough every year

  2. "大鵬展翅" (big bird spreads its wings), means having a great future

  3. "如魚得水" (just like fishes having water), means everything nice and smooth

  4. "花開富貴" (flower blooming with great fortune), means a thriving future with great fortune

  5. "鴻運當頭" (good luck arrives), means wishing you great luck

  6. "金銀滿屋" (having gold and silver in the house), means wishing you a great fortune

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